yo twotwo ians!
exams are over,
and holidays are coming!!
yeap, time flies & term one's already over...
so yeah we muz cherish each others' presence
and keep the class spirit ups!!! :]
to those who din't score so well for overall,
(including me...) don't be sadded...
this's just term one, so yeah, work harder!!
friends are always there for ue,
buckups and listen more!
yesyes, we're vry vry noisy,
so plsplspls try to lower down??
bt yeah tats wad to specialabt 2/2!!!
grins* bt don't go overboard tat tchers are complaining
pls tag more in the tagboard, it's abit dead...X.X
As most of u kw,
we celebrated ms farah's bdae todae,
for those who missed this & din come todae,
sorry for the cupcakes....
get well soon huiyi &
gd lucks for ur theory exams xinyuan!
some pics to freshen up the blog ^^
pls, the cupcakes are damn hygienic ok!
not made on china or other countries,
we made them ytd, fresh frm jean's oven,
we've spent lots of time & effort in making
both the cake & cupcakes for u all,
so instead of complaining abt how
the food were, y not thank us instead?
it pays to be kind!
and for those whu dint pay, well...
tats all for todae, jovinajiaqi (: